Request an appointment today! (305) 595 - 0440
2801 NE 213th Street, Suite 815, Aventura, Fl 33180

Experienced Physical Therapists

State-of-the-Art Techniques and Equipment

Advanced Techniques and Physical Therapy Programs

Appointments within 24-48 Business Hours
At AARDS Rehab, our focus is on educating, supporting and guiding our patients to achieve their maximum function. Through safe physical therapy and exercise progression programs, our goal is to get you back to work, sports, play or simple daily activities.
We evaluate our patients based on individual performance. A person's injury, physical health and mental state will all be taken into consideration when determining a treatment period.

Dr. Epstein is a board-certified physician specializing in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He completed his training at Nassau County Medical Center, N.Y. in 1990 and has been in practice for 30 years in Miami. He was the Medical Director of the Department of Rehabilitation at Parkway Regional and Aventura Hospitals as well as the Easter Seals Society of Dade County.
Dr. Epstein was also the team physician for St. Thomas University and Medical Advisor for the World Olympians Association and USA Judo. He was the Medical Coordinator for the Volvo Ocean Race Around the World during its stop in Miami, and a member of the Miami Dade Sports Commission. He is a graduate of Tulane University and obtained his medical degree from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara, and is fluent in Spanish. He has been involved in numerous publications and research studies, and has developed wound care and exercise equipment.
Dr. Epstein has privileges at Aventura Hospital and is a clinical instructor for the Graduate Medical Education Program.

Range of Motion
Myofascial Release
Strengthening Machines
Free Weights
Joint Mobilization
Cervical/Lumbar Traction
Neuromuscular Re-education
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation/TENS
Moist Heat/ Cryotherapy/ ICE
Splinting/ Taping
Graston Method
Flexibility/ Stretching
Core Stabilization Programs
Sports Physical Therapy Program
Balance Training
Lumbar Stabilization Programs
Gait Training
Strength Testing
Soft Tissue Mobilization
Edema Reduction
Agility/ Plyometrics
Vestibular Rehabilitation Program
Hand Therapy Program
Work Hardening Program
Posture Awareness

Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm

2801 NE 213th Street, Suite 815
Aventura, Fl 33180

(305) 595 - 0440
(305) 686 - 4070
All patients are encouraged to call the office during business hours with any questions they have regarding their medical issues.
Our friendly and responsible staff is dedicated to scheduling appointments as soon as possible, answering billing and insurance questions and supporting all the services in our office.
Please be aware that your specific insurance company may require prior authorization before you can receive any services. In most cases we can see you within 24-48 hours.